About Me

I am a happily married 40 year-old mother of three who was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer through my first EVER mammogram. I am making it my mission to get the word out about the importance of annual mammograms and early detection. Do not delay this vital test! My cancer would not have been detected as a lump for probably 10 years so the mammogram was key in highlighting these cancer cells. Because of this early detection, I will not only SURVIVE this illness but be a STRONGER person because of it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1st - Proud of Myself! Out walking the morning following chemo!

Yesterday was chemo treatment #1.  All went well and I was fairly pleased with myself on the drive home.  I didn't feel sick at that time, only a little woozy from all the medicines.  Thank God Harun was driving because in my condition I probably would have caused an accident somehow!  Looking back, I did two things incorrectly on my arrival home:

1) I should have had something to EAT since it was lunchtime and I hadn't had anything but cereal at 7 am.  But alas!  I was happy!  I survived my first chemo and it was time to celebrate, wasn't it?

2) I should have taken an anti-nausea pill BEFORE I started feeling badly.

At about 3pm the nausea hit me like a FREIGHT TRAIN and I was in the bathroom for the following three hours.  I never did throw up but felt like I was always on the verge, it was terrible.  I took a pill then, and had some crackers but at that point it was too late.

I felt horrible on and off for the next few hours until it was time to take my nightime meds.  These meds contain "sleepy sauce" so they put me to sleep almost immediately.  I slept fairly well during the night and only woke once to take another pill.

This morning I woke up feeling fairly normal and decided to make it a better day.  The more I can change the perception of how I "should" feel...then the better.  I took my medication along with a piece of toast and then put on my tennis shoes and headed out for a walk.  Fresh air always does me such good and it is as beautiful day outside.  The morning air was nice and cool but it sure does feel like things are heating up.  I put on my most inspirational music on ipod and hit the neighborhood.  I didn't go far, but far enough to feel like I was getting some exercise.

As my doctor told me, this week will be trial-and-error.  I will need to work on finding foods and drinks that soothe my stomach, figure out when it's best to take the medicines, and balance out exercising with rest periods.  That will be my challenge.  I will see her (Dr. Svahn) next Friday to discuss how the week went and see if we need to make any changes to my medications.

This afternoon I have to go back to DV Oncology for my quick "booster" shot.  Evidently this booster shot is a helper in aiding your system to recover from the affects of yesterdays drugs.  I will get this shot after every chemo for these first two months.  Again, this is because they are utilizing the "big guns" in my IV for these first two months.  The following three months when I receive Taxol I won't need the booster shots.

Thanks as always for all the positive MOJO being sent my way...I am keeping all those powerful good vibes in my mindset and that is helping me face the day.  I plan to walk everyday and maybe increase the mileage as I go along.  I also intend to get back on the bike, but I just am not feeling strong enough for that yet.  Will keep you posted.  XO

A few special shouts out to my arsenal of angels, without whom I couldn't do this:
Harun (my rock and right-hand man in all of this)
Elissa (for all her bad jokes which make me laugh)
My Mom and Dad (for helping me relax and spoiling me and my family)
My "little ray of sunshine", Monica
My mother-in-law, Rahile, who has been an incredible help around the house and with cooking
Kimmie, Mickey, Mary and all the CHS Women
Meg (who makes a killer meatloaf, by the way)
ALL of the generous cooks who have provided us with delicious meals!

I love you all and your care, concern and support helps me get through every day!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great holiday Tamara, keep up the fight, you are amazing!
