About Me

I am a happily married 40 year-old mother of three who was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer through my first EVER mammogram. I am making it my mission to get the word out about the importance of annual mammograms and early detection. Do not delay this vital test! My cancer would not have been detected as a lump for probably 10 years so the mammogram was key in highlighting these cancer cells. Because of this early detection, I will not only SURVIVE this illness but be a STRONGER person because of it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th - Dr. Svahn Appointment

This morning, I recluctantly drove to Dr. Svahn's office in Pleasant Hill for my white blood cell count checkup.  Just pulling into the parking lot at her office makes me feel sick to my stomach (since that is where I've been getting chemo every other week)!  I have felt so ill with every infusion that I dread going there.  But alas, it is what I have to do to regain my health, so go there I will.

Dr. Svahn said that all my blood counts looked good at that I was just a tad anemic, but nothing to worry about.  My weight is the exact same from the day I started chemo, which is good.  I told her that I have a great deal of anxiety about my next treatment on Friday...I guess I am so tainted by what I have gone through these past two months that I just can't think about MORE drugs in my system.  She assured me that in fact, the hardest part of my treatment is behind me and very soon I will start feeling strong again.  The new drug I am set to receive is not nearly as difficult on the system, and nausea is NOT a side effect.  The main things I may experience (and I think I wrote about this before) is a tingling in my hands and possibly joint/body ache.  Evidently, the joint ache can be relieved with Aleve or Advil and the tingling is just something they keep an eye on.  There is no mediation cocktail to take following treatment (unlike when I was receving the first four infusions) and I should be able to go about my normal activities.  That is terrific news!  In fact, I have been feeling stronger everyday, and while not 100%, I am hopeful to get there soon.  I have been walking every evening lately and I try to push myself a little further each time.  I am even considering attending my favorite spin class once the kids go back to school.  I might not be able to make it through the entire class, but I thought it might be fun to give it a shot!

Again, many thanks for your meals, phone calls, emails, cards, letters and gifts.  I am SO behind on writing thank you cards so please forgive me if I owe you one...I promise to get them out to everyone once I get over this "hump".  Love to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tamara,

    Thanks for the update, glad to hear you are walking, take it easy. Let me know when you plan on going to spin, I'll meet you there! Keep the faith.

