About Me

I am a happily married 40 year-old mother of three who was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer through my first EVER mammogram. I am making it my mission to get the word out about the importance of annual mammograms and early detection. Do not delay this vital test! My cancer would not have been detected as a lump for probably 10 years so the mammogram was key in highlighting these cancer cells. Because of this early detection, I will not only SURVIVE this illness but be a STRONGER person because of it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th - Dr. Svahn Appointment

This morning, I recluctantly drove to Dr. Svahn's office in Pleasant Hill for my white blood cell count checkup.  Just pulling into the parking lot at her office makes me feel sick to my stomach (since that is where I've been getting chemo every other week)!  I have felt so ill with every infusion that I dread going there.  But alas, it is what I have to do to regain my health, so go there I will.

Dr. Svahn said that all my blood counts looked good at that I was just a tad anemic, but nothing to worry about.  My weight is the exact same from the day I started chemo, which is good.  I told her that I have a great deal of anxiety about my next treatment on Friday...I guess I am so tainted by what I have gone through these past two months that I just can't think about MORE drugs in my system.  She assured me that in fact, the hardest part of my treatment is behind me and very soon I will start feeling strong again.  The new drug I am set to receive is not nearly as difficult on the system, and nausea is NOT a side effect.  The main things I may experience (and I think I wrote about this before) is a tingling in my hands and possibly joint/body ache.  Evidently, the joint ache can be relieved with Aleve or Advil and the tingling is just something they keep an eye on.  There is no mediation cocktail to take following treatment (unlike when I was receving the first four infusions) and I should be able to go about my normal activities.  That is terrific news!  In fact, I have been feeling stronger everyday, and while not 100%, I am hopeful to get there soon.  I have been walking every evening lately and I try to push myself a little further each time.  I am even considering attending my favorite spin class once the kids go back to school.  I might not be able to make it through the entire class, but I thought it might be fun to give it a shot!

Again, many thanks for your meals, phone calls, emails, cards, letters and gifts.  I am SO behind on writing thank you cards so please forgive me if I owe you one...I promise to get them out to everyone once I get over this "hump".  Love to everyone.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday, August 20th - American Cancer Society Relay for Life

Wow!  Am I blessed, or am I blessed?  Mac and Jane McCormick and friends put together a team of generous folks (named Team Tamara!) who all donated their time and funds to the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life fundraiser in Clayton this past weekend.  It was amazing!  All these wonderful people/families on Team Tamara each signed up for a 2-hour time slot to walk laps around the Clayton Community Park for a 24-hour time period (yes, and some crazy people even signed up to do the hours in the middle of the night!).  It started on Saturday at 10 am with an opening ceremony and a "survivor's loop"; I was so happy to be well enough to attend and walk the loop with other survivors.  Many of my good friends came out to cheer me on with big smiles!  I wasn't feeling my very best, but at least I had recovered enough from the effects of chemo #4 to be there and enjoy the festivities.  (One of the photos on this blog page was taken at the event.)  Following the survivor's walk, each family took their turn doing the laps ALL DAY LONG and into the night until the fundraiser ended Sunday morning at 10 am.  The team raised $1200 to benefit the ACS!  And overall, $10,000 was raised to help folks like myself battling cancer!  Amazing!  I thank everyone who was involved from the bottom of my heart.

My plan is be strong and healthy next year and either help coordinate the event or be a captain of a team.  I think it's a wonderful way for Clayton families to come together to work together for a great cause.  It's a good way to teach our children that life is not always about ourselves; but we can all work together to benefit others in need.

I am hoping to have a good week before I have my next chemo on Friday.  I haven't quite fully recovered from my last infusion, but at least feeling well enough to be out about a little bit.  Friday's treatment will be a new drug, Taxol, and I have been told that it will be easier on my system.  I sure hope so!  Two of the most prevalent side affects of Taxol include body ache and tingling in the fingers/hands.  After all the nausea I have endured over the past few months, I think I can handle both of those!

The kids will be returning to school on the 30th, and like most moms, I am very happy about this!  It has been challenging to keep the kids occupied, especially when I have not been feeling well.  I owe so much to the many friends and families who have HELPED me to keep them busy (especially my parents and my sister).  With school starting, I will have more time to rest (if I need it) and focus on getting well.  My treatments will be every Friday, and they will run until November 11th.  Needless to say, I am looking forward to the juicy turkey and yummy pumpkin ale on Thanksgiving even more than usual this year!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, August 13 - My last Neulasta shot - cause to celebrate!

I'm so sorry I haven't been blogging.  The effects from the third chemo treatment were absolutely horrible and I felt too sick to even sit in front of the computer!  The symptoms themselves were about the same (nauseau, tiredness, sores in my mouth, diareah, hair loss, etc.) but they all lasted LONGER then previous infusions.  The doctor says that is because the effects are cumulative; the more drugs you have in your system, the longer it will take to expell them.  I would say it took me eight days straight of experiencing all the side effects listed above before I felt any relief.  I apologize if I didn't get a deserved thank you note to you yet this past week, or responded to emails or calls, I honestly just felt so sick that I didn't have the energy to do much of anything and I didn't feel like being social.  I do feel your love, and I do enjoy getting your cards and messages!  Sometimes I am just not well enough to respond.  I hope you'll understand.

Heading into chemo #4 was not a happy day for me; knowing what was about to come. I am trying to handle the sickness as best I can.  It's very important to me to keep things around home as normal as possible for the kids, so I try to meet their every need while taking care of myself.  This even meant taking a recent shopping trip to the mall on Carolyn's birthday when I wasn't feeling 100%...but by golly, I did it (with some assistance from my mom)!  I feel badly that both of our girls didn't have birthday parties this summer due to my illness, but I am hoping we can make it up to them sometime in the fall when I have more energy.  Luckily, they have been pretty understanding of the situation.

And poor Harun!  He is still loving me and caring for me as best he can even though I look like a freakshow!  My hair is COMPLETLY gone now; yup, I am no longer fuzzy haired on top but completely bald.  It was very itchy and scratch and was painful when I would lay my head on the pillow.  So Elissa suggested taking a razor and shaving the remaining hair and Harun was happy to oblige.  This made all the difference!  I am no longer uncomfortable sleeping or wearing a cap.  When I look in the mirror I think I look like a "conehead" person from Saturday Night Live (if any of you remember the skit!).  The beauty is that I still have eyebrows and lashes so at least I have that going for me.  I wear these wraps on my head sometimes and Harun laughs and tells me that I look like an Amish person, but honestly they are more comfortable than the wigs.  I realize the wigs look better, but somehow for me they feel very unnatural and itchy and I'd rather not wear them unless I'm going somewhere in public with the kids and their friends.

All in all, the chemo treatment yesterday went well.  My mom was with me and it was comforting to me to have her there.  I wanted her to see just how crazy it is and how many drugs they give me in a short amount of time.  Again, I have probably said this before but I have excellent, nurturing nurses and I am always happy to see them; even knowing they are about to shoot me up with poisionous drugs!  This was my LAST round of receiving two cancer-killing drugs called "A" and "C" so there was reason to celebrate.  We let out a big "WOO HOO!" when it was all over.  These are the hardest-hitting of the all the drugs they give you and they usually give patients the most trouble with recovery.  They hit you so hard that the doctors must allow you two weeks to recover in between treatments to assure that your body has that time to regain strength and build enough white blood cells so they can treat you once again.  All my blood counts looked great yesterday so we were able to proceed with the infusion.

Two weeks from now I will switch regimes to a cancer-killing drug called Taxol.  Trust me, Taxol has its' own list of crazy side affects, but one of them is NOT nausea so neededless to say I am banking on that.  The nausea has been what has been hardest for me to endure.  Depending on the day, it ranges somewhere between feeling like a bad hang over, the flu and morning sickness all rolled up into one, and it lasts for days on end.  The Taxol is not as difficult on the body as the A/C so this infusion will be given to me once a week on Fridays (starting August 26th).  I will have 12 Taxol treatments in a row, each once a week until November 14.  (Can you tell how excited I am to be done with this; I'm already looking ahead toward my end date!!!).  The oncologist tells me that 99.9% of her patients report that life gets much better once the Taxol starts...I am counting on that.  That means life would start to roll downhill from here, in a good way.

This morning at 10 I will go for my last Neulasta shot...yippee!  The shot is given in your arm to boost white blood cell counts in your blood marrow and therefore its' side affects include a general body ache and overall joint pain.  I never look forward to it because I usually feel like crap afterwards (on top of the other crap I am already experiencing from the A/C!).  Advil helps a little, or claritin.  Neulasta is not given to patients during the Taxol regime so after this morning I am DONE with it!

A couple of exciting, positive things:

1) I think I might be participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life coming up next weekend in Clayton.  I would LOVE to be able to do this, as the ACS has done so much for me since my diagnosis.  I was amazed to find out how many programs they sponsor for cancer patients and how many resources they have available.  If you know of someone participating in the walk and can afford a small donation, I encourage you to do this.  I can attest that the money does go towards people like myself in need!  The ACS gave me a $500 wig for free to wear during the length of my chemo treatments, no questions asked.  It was awesome!  I also attended a class they were hosting for women about skin care and makeup during chemo.  It was very helpful...otherwise I wouldn't have known how to "draw" in my own eyebrows once they start falling out!  The Relay for Life has a "Survivor's Loop" and I told the organizer that I was planning to be there, depending on how strong I was feeling.  The event is a week from now and I am hoping to be well enough from this last chemo treatment to be there.  We'll see.  It might be good for me to walk among the other survivors and feel their energy.  Come out and walk with me!  Here's the link to the event:


2) I am also considering doing a 5k fundraising walk for the Susan G. Komen foundation in San Francisco on Sunday, September 25.  It's just a quick fun run or walk along the SF Embarcadero starting and finishing at the Ferry Building.  The cost is just $30 to participate and you get a free T-shirt.  If any of you have an inkling that you'd like to come out and walk with me I WOULD LOVE IT.  This is not a fitness contest, by any means, but just a way to get out and walk and show support for the cause.  (And trust me, I will be walking very SLOW since chemo has robbed me of almost all of my fitness).  I think it might be beneficial for me to be around others who are either currently suffering from BC for who are survivors.  Below is the link for the signup.  The website is listed below.  Check it out and send me an email if you'd like to come along and join the fun tsimbirdi@gmail.com


Monday, August 1, 2011


Yippee!  Some really good news came my way today...the genetic counselor at John Muir confirmed my blood test results and I do NOT carry the genetic markers (BRCA1 and BRCA2) for breast cancer!  This is wonderful news for both me and for my family members.  Essentially it means that no member of my family is any more likely to develop BC over their lifetime than the person next door.  My girls are no more likely to develop this disease than anyone else because there is no genetic link.

This is also good news because it means I am not at a greater risk for developing ovarian cancer.  If I indeed carried the gene, it would have been necessary for me to consider a hysterectomy since breast cancer and ovarian cancer are very closely linked.  But alas!  It's not a worry anymore!  Woo hoo!

Still fighting the effects of the 3rd chemo (it's been the worst recovery from treatment to date!) but I will get through...